Friday, May 15, 2009

cash issues

Lately I've been doing that thing where you pay for groceries with cash to try and stay within a budget. Its worked out nicely so far, except I've noticed something. Whenever the checker gives me my change, I feel an enormous amount of pressure to put it away as fast as possible. The second they hand it to me, they are done with our transaction and are moving on to the next person therefore I loose my right to the little purse platform. It stresses me out, my bills get wadded up, and my coins end up in the bottom of my purse in my mad dash to get out of the way. I used to pay with cash all the time and I don't remember feeling this way. My neat little debit card has spoiled me forever I guess.


becks said...

Hahahaha! I TOTALLY do the same thing! I get stressed everytime I pay with cash and just end up shoving it in my pockets and forgetting about it. It usually happens at 7-11, because I usually only use cash to pay for Big Gulps and Slurpees since I'd feel dumb using my debit card for someting that costs like $1.30. And then there's always someone big scary person right behind me waiting for me as a panic and don't know what to do with my change. The worst is when there are coins and dollars involved since they go in different places in my wallet. Ugh!

Danielle said...

I have the exact same problem, only with receipts. And it's even worse when you're trying to file it away in the exact right spot (I guess I need to loosen up about that) and the kids are about to eat all the gum in the checkout aisle!

Rach said...

I usually just shove my leftover cash in my pocket, forget about it, and find it rolling around in the dryer a week later. Or I get a nice surprise when I reach in for my grocery list and come out with cash---woohoo! Of course, I also have a bunch of loose change at the bottom of my purse, and it's the kind that's open on top, so it falls out in the car and ends up in Jacob's pocket.

Amott Family said...

I am with you. We have been doing 'cash envelopes' for years.
Hang in there girl! I love you cousin.